Epicerie is a wine shop that sells selected high-quality wines in Brazil.
As the Lead UX-Designer of Project A Ventures, I was responsible for developing the logo, website, an iPhone app.
The core target group for Epicerie were young people who like to treat themselves with high quality, yet affordable wine.
A challenge was to create an appealing design for the Brazilian market, which not only appeals to a young and hip target group, but that could appeal the Brazilian audience.
In collaboration with the founders in Brazil, we exchanged initial ideas and quickly developed a concept which presents theme-based wines for various occasions. The result was the use of big trendy pictures and young adult people.
UI /UX Designer at this Project. Wireframes, Prototypes, Handover to frontend developer, UI, UX
Scribbles, Wireframes, Paper Prototype, Sketch, Invision App, Jira, Confluence
Time-limited deals on exclusive offers
A counter to special deals was set up to create an exclusive shortage effect. A time-bound deal logic were wine offers are limited to a specific time frame to create a scarcity effect. The product owners and I ideated, defined, designed, and tested a diverse set of deals-/auction elements.
Trendy picture worlds and themes
I was an influential decision-maker for using modern pictorial worlds and themes that bring the topic of wine closer to a younger target group.